Coming back

Sorry for the delay and disappear in the summer. The reason is that Blogger has been blocked in China and even the VPN cannot load all the images and materials.
Now from then on, I would again write something on module “Machine learning” again. Hopefully you will like it.
To sum up what I got in summer:
Machine learning related knowledge I’ve got:
・ Self learned whole Machine Learning course on coursera
・ Know basic concept of CNN, RNN, LSTM, GAN, etc.
・ Know the details of CNN and how to use them
・ Be able to use caffe framework(Did a small project about face detection using caffe in summer, which is a simple classification problem)
・ Be able to use pycaffe as the programming language.(but not matcaffe because I seldom use matlab) Also, I have implement an application of “image style-transfer” in summer according to the paper from CVPR 2015

What might be done in the future

  • as the final year project, my research area is image super-resolution. I might make a application or just research for better and faster method.

Last but not least, just show off my certificate:
enter image description here

Keep Learning and Carry On!



[MLE] W2 Multivariate linear regression

[AIM] MetaHeuristics

[MLE] W1 Introduction