[MLE] Artificial Neural Network Training
Overview Error Functions Basic Linear Algebra Singular Value Decomposition Gradient Descent Backpropagation Deep Learning Error Functions In order to optimise the performance of ANNs an error function on the training set must be minimised This is done by adjusting: Weights connecting nodes Network Architecture Parameters of non-linear functions h(a) Backpropagation Used to calculate derivatives of error function efficiently Error propagate backwards layer by layer Iterative minimisation of error function: Calculate derivative of error function with respect to weights Derivatives used to adjust weights That’s the way we do backpropagation, but after get the derivatives, how do we update our weights? Here is a graph I found on the internet: In the lecture, it introduces as follows Basic Linear Algebra Matrix Determinant Used in many calculations, e.g. matrix inversion singularity testing(singular iff |A| = 0) det(A) = |A| Eigenvalues Given an ...