[AIM] Evolutionary Algorithms II
Day 5
- Generic permutation based operators
- Partially mapped crossover(PMX)
- Order crossover (OX)
- Cycle crossover (CX)
- Memetic Algorithms
- Multimeme (self-adaptive/self-generating) memetic algorithms
Issues with binary representation in GA
Binary representation and classical crossover and mutation operators are not suitable for encoding permutationfor TSP, could cause illegal tours that:
- not all cities visited
- cities visited more than once
- loops formed within the tour
Because it is a permutation, there should not have any number that overlap.
So how do we solved this problem?
Partially mapped crossover
- Choose two random cut points to serve as swapping boundaries
- Swap segments between cut points
- Preserving the order and position of as many cities as possible from other parent
Order Crossover (OX)
- Choosing a subsequence of a tour from one parent
- Preserving relative order of cities from other parent
Cycle Crossover (CX)
Memetic Algorithms(Population based metaheuristic)
- Meme: Contagious piece of information, it is like culture, information sharing
- Memes are similar to local refinement/local search
- Gene vs Meme: Memes can change, evolve using rules and time scales other than the traditional genetic ones.
- Aims to improve GAs by embedding local search
- MAs make uses of exploration capabilities of GAs and exploitation capabilities of local search
- MAs have an explicit mechanism to balance exploitation and exploration
- Memetic Algorithms shown to be much faster and more accurate than GAs on some problems.
- It is a traditional way of applying MAs. For local search, you also can apply it after initialisation, after crossover, after mutation.
Note: Different memes yield different performances, designing the right meme is important
Multimeme memetic algorithms
Now meme is not only just local search!- Introduce memetic material for each individuals
- A meme encodes how to apply an operator(which one to apply, max number of iterations, acceptance criteria), when to apply, where to apply, how frequent to apply.
- Meme of each operator can be combined under a memeplex
MMA features
- Memes represent instructions for self-improvement, specify set of rules, programs, heuristics, strategies, behaviors, etc.
- Interaction between memes and genes are not direct, mediated by individual
- Memes can evolve, change by means of non-traditional genetic transformations and metrics
Mutating memes during evolution
You can mutate memes during evolution by innovation rate.- Innovation rate (IR) is in the range of [0,1], which is the probability of mutating a meme
- If the random number is less than IR, it will mutate the meme.
- For example, for a MAX-SAT problem. IR is 0.5 and now it is ( 1 0 0 0 1+ HC2). Then we random a number, the number is 0.3 < 0.5, so we mutate it. It might be ( 1 0 0 0 1 + HC0)
- if IR = 0, no innovation. If an allele is not introduced in the initial generation, it will not be reintroduced again.
- if IR = 1, everything will be mutated. all different strategies implied by the available M memes might be equally used
Simple Inheriting Mechanism(SIM)
For example:
For a MAX-SAT problem:
(1 0 | 0 0 1 + HC1 HS1 L2) f =2
(1 1 | 0 1 1 + HC0 HS4 L1) f =1
“|” means the crossover point
Because the second one fitness value is lower, so we apply its memeplex. (1 1 0 0 1 + HC0 HS4 L1)
(1 0 0 1 1 + HC0 HS4 L1)