[CPP] Try-Catch Clause

As java, we need a try-catch block in c++. The universal format of try-catch is
} catch (exception-declaration) {
} catch (exception-declaration) {
} //...

Standard exception

C++ standard library defines a set of classes which is used for exception. They are defined in the following 4 header files:
  • exception: defines the most general kind of exception class. It communicates only that an exception occurred but provides no additional information.
  • stdexcept: defines several general-purpose exception classes.
  • new: defines the bad_alloc exception type.
  • type_info: defines the bad_cast exception type


  • exception: the most general kind of problem
  • runtime_error: problems that can be detected only at run time
  • range_error: runtime_error: result generated outside the range of values that are meaningful
  • overflow_error: runtime_error: computation that overflowed
  • underflow_error: runtime_error: computation that underflowed
  • logic_error: Error in the logic of the program
  • domain_error: logic error: argument for which no result exists
  • out_of_range: logic error: used a value outside the valid range


The exception types define only a single operation named what. That function takes no arguments and returns a const char* that points to a C-style character string. The contents of this string depends on the type of exception object. For the types that takes a string initializer, the what function returns that string. For the other types, the value of the string that returns varies by compiler.

Example: To read two integers from standard input and prints the result of dividing the first number by the second. And the 0 should be considered

Here, i use the try-catch as well as the type conversion(static cast)
enter image description here



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