
目前显示的是 十一月, 2017的博文


Introduction Pervasive Nature of Computers To reflect on the impact of computers in society Importance of Professional Ethics Why professional ethics? In everyday practices we face issues and make decisons. We may be dealing with ethical issue but we might not recognise them we may automatically do the “easy” thing we may do things we subsequently regret… Good vs. Evil, Right or Wrong is the Ethical Relativism From general to specific, there are ethics theory-> practical ethics-> professional ethics . Becoming more ehical Clarify what is “right” or “good” and what is “wrong” or “evil” Develop awareness of ethical dimensions of life and work Identify potential relevant information and choices, including those specific to your profession Develop skills at reasoning ethically Analyze choices and arguments with ethical aspects Reflect on own experience in studies and work Apply ethical approach in your studies(e.g. in your individual projects) Take opportun...

[MLE] Deep Learning

Overview In this blog, we will look at deep learning and know how CNN actually works. Actually convolutional neural network is a kind of neural network. But unlike ANN, the feature extraction is quite different from ANN. In ANN, we calculate matrix production by each pixel, here we see it in a bigger view. What is deep learning Definition Hierarchical organisation with more than one (non-linear) hidden layer in-between the input and the output variables. Output of one layer is the input of the next layer Methods Deep Neural Networks Convolutional Neural Networks Restricted Boltzmann Machine Recurrent Neural Networks GAN/LSTM/R-CNN etc… The process of CNN I will use an example with some demonstration and graph to show the process and details of CNN. For example, the input images in CIFAR-10 are an input volume of activations, and the volume has dimensions 32x32x3 (width, height, depth respectively). As we will soon see, the neurons in a layer will only be connected ...